
A video related to the book

I introduce a video on youtube.
The title is "The Coming Food Shortage".

This video is about the food shortages of history.The center of the story is not Europe, but it is easy to understand the history.The shortages are occured by wars, agricultural problems, and so on.The prices go up and people became poor.This video uses some quotations from bibles.

We can learn that there are people who are worried about food shortage and the problem is not solved.


Book Review -Shortage and Plenty-

I'm going to present "Shortage and Plenty" from the book.

In western Europe, periods of shortage have alternated with periods of plenty. This is because a security of the supply increased greatly. Through the post-Columbian metamorphosis, the trade routes and the import of food crops were developed. Thanks to the agrarian and industrial revolutions, means of food transport developed. At the same time, processes of democratisation during the past two centuries enabled people to distribute food equally. And wages went up, the prices went down.

Between 1400 and 1800, from the Middle Ages to the eve of the Industrial Revolution, mass poverty and crisis of hunger occured in Europe. Amartya Sen, an economist, said, "Starvation and famine are therefore not in the first place the outcome of instability and shortages of food dupply. Hunger, on the contrary, is much more dependent on entitlements and ownership patterns prevailing in the community.

For me, the idea is very difficult so I may not understand it exactly. I think hunger is not the person's responsibility. His class is most related to hunger. The society should make a structure that help people of low classes.

In tomorrow's class, I introduced a video relating to the story, and explain more detail.


Introduction the book I chose

Hi, I'm Mikoto. I'd like to introduce a book I chose.
The book title is "The Sociology of Food: eating, diet and culture". In this book, various topics were written. For example, the role of food, the issues of food, the growth of food disorders, etc. It is difficult to read all topics, so I'm going to read some topics I'm interested in.
Particularly, this book says that food is related to cultures. I'm interested in food cultures in many countries. I think that food express the culture most. And it is very important to know. For example, when we go abroad, at first we face the cultural difference of food. The manner or rule of the way to eat is very different in each country. If you don't obey the rule, you are considered to be impolite. So to know each food culture is very important.
The contents of the book is very wide. I'm looking forward to find something new reading it.