
The Wall Street Journal

"Slow Consumer Spending In U.S. Signals Caution"

This article says that Americans consume less than before and save money now.
The personal saving rate was 5.6% in October, the highest level since December 2012.

I have an image that American people consume very much, particularly, foods.
However, the situation of economic is changing and incomes of Americans are increase 0.4%.
Once looking at the data, their spending seem to increase but they increase only 0.3%.
It is possible that they are worried about the future.

In Japan, now, economic is inflation.
But people who get the benefit are only rich people.
Poor people don't get enough salary.
Despite of that, the price of food is increasing.

The financial condition of the world seems to be unstable.
The food style of people may also change.

"Oil Boosts Energy Shares"

In most Asian markets, oil prices are increasing. This is because Russia and Syria are in conflict situation. Syria produces little oil for Islamic State terrorism.

Increasing oil price, the prices of various productions also increase. Of course, food price, too.

"The Best Tech Gifts of 2015"

Samsung Gear VR Powered by Oculus, $100, I pay attention.

The device may take us the popular restaurant. We are able to search the restaurant and decide which restaurant is the best.


Book Review -Trends in Nutritional Policies-

During 1980s, the FAO and WHO started to develop national food policies.
It's applied in modern Western countries.

They have the two main purpose.
The first main purpose is preventing illnesses and informing the importance of a 'prudent diet.'
Prudent means sensible and careful, especially by trying to avoid unnecessary risks.
They advised people to eat more fruits, vegetables, fiber, and fewer fat foods.
The second main purpose is the safety of food production. It means that enforcing producing, process, and distribution company to the rules and regulation.

The most importances are public enlightment and education, research and control.

I wonder that this policy is applied in modern Western countries, particularly, the United States.
The country has the problems that many people are obesity.
People should change mind about the eating habits for their health.

My Result of Food Culture Quiz


Book Review -Patterns of Food Consumption (Class and Gender)-

First, there are differences of social class. Higher social economic groups can eat greater range and variety of foodstuffs. In dietary guidelines of the 1980s, it is said that we should reduce intaking salt, sugar and saturated fat, and increase dietary fiber. And fruits are recommended for maintaining good health, however, its consumption is restricted on the higher income or proffessional groups. Higher amounts of animal fat are consumed by lower social economic groups.

Second, there are sexual differences. At first, women eat less than men. Men like to eat white bread with sausage and fat, but women like to eat it with butter. And women drink an awesome amount of red wine. On the other hand, women drink great quantities of coffee. Men regard wine as good for the blood, strong and masculine. They regard milk as bad for the adult masculine digestion and health. This is because they think that milk is drunk by babies and women.

I've thought about differences of social class because a great gap of food consumption by social economic class is the big problem now. But I don't know the sexual differences. In Japan, more interesting sexual differences may be found. I want to study that.


Aoyama Festival 2015

From October 30 to 31, I took parted in Aoyama Festival.

There, I ate Kevab.

The price was 350 yen. It was reasonable. I was satisfied.

I enjoyed the festival very much.