
Book Review -Trends in Nutritional Policies-

During 1980s, the FAO and WHO started to develop national food policies.
It's applied in modern Western countries.

They have the two main purpose.
The first main purpose is preventing illnesses and informing the importance of a 'prudent diet.'
Prudent means sensible and careful, especially by trying to avoid unnecessary risks.
They advised people to eat more fruits, vegetables, fiber, and fewer fat foods.
The second main purpose is the safety of food production. It means that enforcing producing, process, and distribution company to the rules and regulation.

The most importances are public enlightment and education, research and control.

I wonder that this policy is applied in modern Western countries, particularly, the United States.
The country has the problems that many people are obesity.
People should change mind about the eating habits for their health.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I don't know " national food policies", but that have clear object and was createdd for the world. I'm interested in it and I'll search it on the Web.
