
Book Review -Patterns of Food Consumption (Class and Gender)-

First, there are differences of social class. Higher social economic groups can eat greater range and variety of foodstuffs. In dietary guidelines of the 1980s, it is said that we should reduce intaking salt, sugar and saturated fat, and increase dietary fiber. And fruits are recommended for maintaining good health, however, its consumption is restricted on the higher income or proffessional groups. Higher amounts of animal fat are consumed by lower social economic groups.

Second, there are sexual differences. At first, women eat less than men. Men like to eat white bread with sausage and fat, but women like to eat it with butter. And women drink an awesome amount of red wine. On the other hand, women drink great quantities of coffee. Men regard wine as good for the blood, strong and masculine. They regard milk as bad for the adult masculine digestion and health. This is because they think that milk is drunk by babies and women.

I've thought about differences of social class because a great gap of food consumption by social economic class is the big problem now. But I don't know the sexual differences. In Japan, more interesting sexual differences may be found. I want to study that.

3 件のコメント:

  1. I didn't know about the sexual differences either.
    It is a surprise!

  2. I don't think many people have thought about the sexual differences, at least I haven't. It's very interesting topic!

  3. I was so surprised sexual differences about food. I didn't know milk as bad for the adult masculine digestion and health.
