
Book Review -Travelling Foodstuffs and Early Colonial Eating Habits-

The stuffs like potatoes, sugar-cane, maize have been studied by histrians and anthropologist.

The United States and Austraria were a colony.
The food which is grown in these countries is eaten by colonizer's country.
In Europe, vegitarian became common because of the advent of many crops from the New World.
However, no all areas increased the consumption of vegetables at the expense of meat.

All foods have history, but the progress is various.
The colonize history is increasingly related to food.
And colonizer's countries are also influenced by that.
Food is traveling.

2 件のコメント:

  1. I find it is interesting to know how food came to land.'Food is traveling' make sense to me.

  2. It is interesting that Some food and colony were related.
