
Food For All and Second Harvest Japan

What are their main activities / events?
Food For All: It enables homeless people to lean new skills. It helps them to make informed choices and find solutions to their problems. For example, it encourages them to do voluntary activity.
Second Harvest Japan: It supplies foods to homeless people and people who can't have enough foods. .

How do they deal with the problem of food waste?
Food For All: This year, it donated fruit and vegetables which are used in the preparation of the meals. Its expenditure was reduced and recycling initiatives were increased.
Second Harvest Japan: It takes food which is dumped from food production factory.

How would you be able to help  / volunteer for these organizations?
Food For All: We can donate money, or clothes. The organization is running a charity shop.
Second Harvest Japan: We can donate money, foods, and do volunteer.

Which group seems to be the most active?
I think that Second Harvest Japan is the most active. This is because it supplies food many people. They are not only homeless, but also children in an institution for maltreated children, or victims of DV, and so on.

What do they have in common? How do their approaches differ?
They have in common that they take waste foods and supply them to many poor people. Food For All has a charity shop. Second Harvest Japan connect with many businesses.

I have thought about food waste problem. Particularly, Japan wastes a lot of food. These organization should be made more, and people should this problem seriously.

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